This article was written based on my experience.
1. How Read Image in disc?
You can read by using cv2.imread function.
In python version 2.7, you need writing path '\\', not '\'
import cv2
Image = cv2.imread("Path", cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
2. How Show Image in memory?
Need cv2.imshow function
If you not use cv2.waitKey && ( cv2.destroyWindow || cv2.destroyAllWindows ).
It make python IDE to restart
import cv2
def ShowImage(Image, WinName="TempWinName"):
cv2.imshow(WinName, Image)
3. How Get Size of Image?
Because openCV2 use numpy's array.
You can get size by using Image.shape
shape == (Row, Col, nChannel) or (Height, Width, nChannel)
If Image is 3 channel (like RGB or BGR), shape's length is 3
If Image is grayscale, shape's length is 2
So if you access nChannel in grayscale, It raiseIndexError
4. How Access each pixel in Image?
Just you "[]" :)
Image[☆Height, ☆Width, nChannel]
If you access all the pixel by using for(;;),
It will waste long time
Must use openCV function as possible as you can.